You work out regularly. You do your best to eat the right foods and stay hydrated throughout the day, in spite of a busy life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and ensuring you get a balanced amount of daily nutrients and hydration can feel like a full-time job. Think of your body as a machine, complex and dynamic, in need of constant maintenance to function at its best. Essential nutrients like amino acids, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, electrolytes, proper hydration, and antioxidants are vital to your body’s overall health, and you need to ensure a proper balance to keep this machine functioning as it should. Obsessively tracking your micronutrient intake can take up a lot of your time, but there are much easier ways to deliver these nutrients effectively. Vitamin infusion therapy is a direct and effective way to deliver these essential nutrients to your body without the headache of taking multiple supplements and powders every day.

What Are IV Infusions, and How Do They Work?

IV vitamin infusions are a fast and effective way to administer critical nutrients, including vitamins, directly into the body via IV delivery. Unlike oral ingestion, where nutrients are often lost in the digestive system, IV therapy delivers nutrients directly into the bloodstream. This immediate delivery enables nutrients to quickly replenish and revitalize the body and organs from the inside out.

By bypassing the digestive system, IV therapy ensures that the body receives all essential vitamins and minerals, without any being overlooked or lost. This method is especially beneficial for individuals who are experiencing digestive issues that cause limited natural nutrient absorption. Daily consumption of nutrient-rich foods is still very important, but this does not always guarantee that the body will absorb all of the necessary vitamins and minerals. IV therapy is a great option to safely administer larger quantities of vitamins than can be ingested orally, due to a concentration gradient that enables rapid and efficient nutrient absorption directly into the cells, resulting in optimal nutrient delivery and absorption.

What You Can Expect from an IV Infusion Therapy Session

All IV infusion therapy and vitamin injections are administered in-office for your comfort and convenience. The duration of an IV therapy session depends on the type of infusion and the number of injections required. While vitamin injections are usually quick, infusion therapy may take longer.

During the injection, you may experience a slight pinching sensation at the injection site, but you should not feel any discomfort or negative effects afterward. You will leave the office feeling fantastic and can continue with your daily activities.

The effects of IV infusion therapy can vary from person to person, depending on the specific drip and body composition. However, the immediate absorption of nutrients typically results in almost immediate benefits for most people. Multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve a longer-lasting effect and to thoroughly cleanse your system and properly treat your body.

Is IV Injection Therapy Safe?

IV therapy offers numerous benefits, with no known risks associated with the body’s ability to absorb higher concentrations of vitamins and nutrients. However, as with any procedure involving needles, there are some very minor risks to consider. These risks and side-effects are similar to those associated with blood draws for lab tests or IV administration during hospital procedures.

One possible risk is perforation or rupture of a vein wall due to vascular fragility, which may result in fluid leakage and temporary swelling or bruising at the injection site. You may also experience a mild burning sensation around the needle, which will subside when the IV is repositioned. If you have small or hard-to-locate veins or have had difficulty with other intravenous injections or blood draws in the past, you may not be a suitable candidate for IV infusion.

Ark Integrative Medicine & Therapeutics

Ark Integrative Medicine & Therapeutics P.C. is a professional clinic based in Irvine, CA, dedicated to providing medical solutions and ketamine infusion treatments to patients suffering from physical and mental health conditions or disabilities. Our mission is to improve our patients’ lives and support them in achieving optimal mental and physical health through personalized approaches based on proven medical practices.

We believe that a person is more than their ailments or conditions; we are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, or daughters, and part of a larger community of family and friends. At Ark, we strive not only to heal our patients’ conditions but also to guide them towards happier and healthier lives. We are committed to helping our patients achieve better days ahead, and their journey to a better life begins with us. Book your appointment today!